As we prepare for classroom promotions and a new school year, we want you to understand the options we have available.
- If you have decided to return, school starts August 17th. Teachers will be sending out information welcome packs with new guidelines and expectations.
- If you are not ready to return but want to hold your spot(s), you will need to continue to pay half-tuition. The board has reviewed the COVID-19 situation and will allow parents to stay enrolled with partial tuition.
- If you choose to withdraw, a two-week notice is required. Upon receipt of your withdrawal, your account will be assessed. We will notify you how tuition will be processed. If you choose to withdraw, your spot(s) will not be saved and hope to see you in the future.
Please notify the Academy by Friday, July 31st.
Changes Starting August 3rd
- New Hours of Operation are 7:30 am – 5:30 pm in order to follow new guidelines and have the same teacher(s) in a room throughout the day. Your child will stay with the teacher(s) in the same classroom and with the same group of children all day.
- Parents are not allowed to enter the building.
- Please continue to use carpool lane for drop-off and pick-up. Children will be screened in the car before they can enter the building using a temperature scan and observation for coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, etc. If your child has a fever or displays symptoms, they will not be allowed to stay.
- In the classroom, teachers will wear masks.
- After-school kids are required to wear a mask.
- Young children are encouraged to wear a mask but it is not required. Children under the age the age of two cannot wear a mask as required by the state for safety.
- All masks worn by children must be their own. We will not provide masks.
Cleaning Practices:
- Multi-routine cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting procedures have been set for teachers in the classroom using EPA-approved products.
- In the evening, we will do an intense sanitizing, disinfecting, and cleaning of the building.
- Toys that cannot be cleaned and cloth toys will be removed. Infant and toddler classrooms will have sanitation buckets used for toys after they go into the mouth.
- Children will still go outside on the playground, and we will disinfect between classes.
Food Requirements:
- We have discontinued Southern Cadence for meals.
- For the infant’s program (Frogs & Ducks), meal/bottle procedures will stay the same.
- Children in all other classrooms are required to bring a disposable sack lunch. The academy will not warm up any food. Leftover food and containers will be thrown away.
After-school Program:
- After-school kids will be required to wear a mask both at the Academy and on the bus.
- After-school kids will stay in the same group with the same teacher and will not rotate into different rooms. Each room will be set up to accommodate the children in the classroom. For example, there will be a table for snack, homework, art, and activities (manipulative area, TV/arcade area, home living area).
- If you choose your regular school’s online option for the fall, you can still use our after-school program/holiday care/drop-in care if needed.
Morning Program:
- We are considering a morning program or a full-day program in addition to our regular after-school program. Details are not available at this time, but please let us know if you are interested.
Symptomatic Children:
- In the event a child scans for a fever or shows symptoms, parents will be notified and children will need to be picked up immediately.
- Teachers will be tested, and we recommend your family is tested.
- If your child tests positive for Covid-19, they will be required to quarantine for 14 days. A report will be filed with the local health department in order to start a contact trace investigation. We will also notify childcare licensing.
- To return after the 14 days, your child will have to take another test and test negative for Covid-19. This is CDC requirement.
- If your symptomatic child tests negative for Covid-19, you will be provided a date for when your child may return.
- If you choose to not get your child tested for Covid-19, they will be required to quarantine for 10 days. If symptoms do not go away, you will be required to test them in order to return.
- The classroom of the symptomatic child will be immediately closed after the last child leaves and no entry will be permitted. In the evening, a cleaning team will come and disinfect the whole room. Following cleaning, the room will be closed for 3 days.
- Communication is the key. Please notify us with test results or if you choose to not test your child.